Friday, January 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday #1

Without further adieu, here are my top ten things I am thankful for this week:

1.  ....My five year old turning 6.  I feel like we are growing up and excited about the possibilities!

2. ....Even though flu symptoms were present this week, no one got "sick"...yeah, you know what I mean.

3. .....I have 17 meals ready to go in my freezer. 

4. ....My husband being an AWESOME bass player and that I was privileged enough to see said bass player rock out New Years Eve.

5. ....That my oldest child is not only able to help me, but willing to help me with all things household.  (Except toilets - who can blame her on that one??)

6. .....My youngest is getting older and learning new things.  I am pretty sure that these things are more noticeable if you know for sure that it's your last child going through it. 

7.  .....For homeschooling.  I love homeschooling.  We randomly decided to take a third week "off" for Christmas Break and sort closets.  We have gotten rid of SOO MUCH!!  That totally counts as school.

8. .....My Brother and Sisters.  It's not always perfect, but I know if there is some bully pushing me off the swing at the playground, these guys got my back. 

9. .... "Santa" bringing a trampoline to our house. 

10. ...Good friends who encourage me, lift me up, see how I am doing, talk me into blogging, etc.  :)  Thanks, gals.  Love all of you!